Hiring a real estate lawyer is often a smart move when it comes to buying or selling a property. Although it may not be legally required in most states, having a lawyer by your side can help ensure a smooth transaction and protect your interests. In this article, we will explore the reasons why hiring a real estate lawyer is beneficial and the services they provide.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

Many homebuyers wonder if they really need a lawyer during the real estate process. While real estate agents can assist with certain aspects, lawyers are specialized in legal matters and can provide valuable guidance. Here are some reasons why hiring a lawyer is a good idea:

  • Ensure proper paperwork: Attorneys make sure all documents are properly drafted and filed with the authorities, ensuring the transaction meets legal standards.
  • Negotiation and contracts: Lawyers can negotiate on your behalf and ensure that the contract adheres to state laws. They can also address any specific issues that may affect the property’s future use.
  • Title searches: Attorneys perform title searches to ensure the property is free of any encumbrances, such as liens or judgments. They can counsel you on how to proceed if any issues are uncovered.

Contracts and Negotiation

Most individuals can negotiate face-to-face with another party. However, it is crucial to properly record the terms of the deal in a contract for it to be legally binding. Attorneys can negotiate on your behalf, address any specific issues, and make sure the contract follows state laws. Additionally, they can inform you about the three-day review period many states have before a real estate contract becomes legally binding.

Title Searches

A vital service provided by attorneys is the title search. This search ensures the property is free of any encumbrances, revealing whether the seller has the legal right to sell the property. Attorneys can perform title searches faster and more efficiently, thanks to their experience and relationships with title search companies. If any problems are uncovered, your attorney can guide you on how to proceed and may negotiate a price reduction if necessary.

Property Transfers and Filings

When dealing with corporations, trusts, or partnerships, the contract preparation and negotiation become more complex. Attorneys understand the legal boundaries of different business arrangements and will ensure the contract is consistent with the law. They can also handle the filing of real estate deeds at the county and state levels and navigate state regulations if certain types of construction are not allowed.

For commercial property transactions, having an attorney is even more critical. They can assist with cutting through government red tape to establish your business entity for state tax purposes and securing your business license through the municipality.

Sellers Need Attorneys Too

While it may not be a legal requirement in most states, sellers can greatly benefit from having an attorney represent their interests. An attorney can review the home inspection, make necessary disclosures, and reduce the risk of being sued for failure to disclose information. They can also ensure a clear title and handle any negotiations with the buyer’s attorney.

Dealing With Discrimination

Lawyers can also help if you face discrimination during the home-buying process. Although most real estate lawyers do not specialize in this area, they can refer you to an attorney who does. It’s important to remember that laws exist to protect everyone, regardless of income. If you believe you’ve been discriminated against, you can file a report with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Do I Need a Lawyer to Buy a House?

Buying a house involves a complicated legal transaction subject to state and local regulations. While it’s possible to handle the process on your own, hiring a real estate lawyer is highly recommended. Their experience and knowledge of the law can guide you through the closing process and ensure all necessary paperwork and permits are filed correctly.

How Much Does a Real Estate Attorney Cost?

The cost of hiring a real estate attorney can vary depending on the job, the attorney, and your location. Attorneys may charge an hourly rate or a fee for specific services like a home closing or title search. It’s best to discuss pricing with potential attorneys to ensure you understand what services are included in their fees.

The Bottom Line

Hiring a real estate attorney makes sense due to the complexities involved in real estate transactions. They can protect your interests and ensure your transaction complies with state and municipal rules. By having legal counsel, the closing process can proceed smoothly to the satisfaction of all parties involved.